Pazartesi, Nisan 11, 2011

Physics is a Bitch

"Fluid; it's a difficult subject. You have to understand the physics behind it, you have to understand and assume how the fluid behaves. After you understand these, you can solve any problems regarding hydraulic machinery. This is what engineers do, not just memorizing problems solved in the class. You have to derive a solution. In the midterm exam last week, I asked a question, your first question and it was easy, just a pipe with two pumps. But only one of you had the ability to solve it. It was not in the book, it was unlike any problem solved in the tutorials or the class. But it was one of the easiest. You just had to use your mind. Please do not memorize, just use your mind so that you can find a solution for anything you encounter. I just can't believe only one of you did it. So, although he had some mistakes here or there, I gave him 90 points."

-Dr. Loay Aldabagh

Bölümün küçük seminer odasındaki rahatsız tek kişilik masalardan birinde uyuklarken bu sabah ve içimden "geç işte ya, tamam zaten canım sıkılıyor, engineer falan sen de kafa ütülüyorsun Loay" diye düşünürken benden bahsettiğini nerden bilebilirdim ki?

Bernoulli'yi seviyorum, bazen.

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